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Rat Zapper - The Quick & Humane Mouse Trap?

Welcome to our Rat Zapper information website. It is our goal to provide you with the latest information and reviews of all the Rat Zapper products including the Rat Zapper Classic and Ultra models.

If you have a mouse or rat problem, don't buy a Rat Zapper until you've read our full review. Is the Rat Zapper really a quick and humane solution to your pest control problem? Does it do the job or are you wasting your money?

The Problem With Existing Traps

Anyone who has had problems with rats or mice will know just how unpleasant it can be when dealing with traps. The classic mouse trap is a fairly brutal way to deal with unwanted rodents, can be quite difficult to set and often makes a messy job of killing rats and mice.

However, rats and mice breed at an alarming rate and can spread all kinds of germs and diseases. If you don’t deal with the problem it can become a real health hazard. A lot of people I know have bought easy set mouse traps but even hate setting these as they are still liable to go off accidently.

There are other alternatives such as glue traps but these can be ineffective and can also be a fairly inhumane way of dealing with rats and mice. Fortunately, electronic mouse and rat traps make the job of dealing with an infestation much easier and the current products from Rat Zapper are excellent for dealing with unwanted rodents.

Rat Zapper Classic

Classic Rat ZapperThe Rat Zapper Classic is the perfect way to deal with the problem of rats and mice. The Rat Zapper Classic uses sophisticated electronics to sense when the rodent is in the trap and delivers a deadly electric shock which is fast and mess free.

You simply bait the trap with some dry pet food and when the rat or mouse enters the device it is instantly detected and killed with a high voltage electric shock. The device is completely safe and works in much the same way as police taser does. However, the rodent is killed instead of stunned.

Once the device has been triggered you simply dispose of the dead rat or mouse and add new bait.. The device is powered by 4 AA batteries which usually last 30-60 days. The Rat Zapper Classic measures approximately 11.5 inches long by 4.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches high.

Rat Zapper Ultra

Ultra Rat ZapperThe Rat Zapper Ultra works in exactly the same as the Rat Zapper Classic. The major difference however, is that it is larger and capable of offering more kills. The Ultra model also offers longer stand-by times and indicates a catch with a flashing light.

You simply bait with regular pet food and when a rat or mouse enters the chamber it is instantly killed with a high power electric shock. As with the Rat Zapper Classic, there’s no mess, no blood and it’s easy to dispose of the dead rodents, you simply slide them straight into the trash can.

The device delivers about 30 kills and is powered by 4 D batteries.
The Rat Zapper Ultra measures approximately 11.5 inches long by 4 wide and 4.75 inches high.

Rat Zapper Rat Tale

Rat Tale For Rat ZapperThe Rat Zapper Rat Tale is a remote indicator light that connects to the Rat Zapper Classic or Ultra.

It comes with a 12 foot cord and flashes repeatedly once the Rat Zapper has been activated and will blink for 15-20 days after activation.

Rat Zapper Battery Life Extender

Rat Pack Battery Life ExtenderWhat's even better than having a Rat Zapper Classic help you get rid of 20 rats before having to change the batteries? How about one which helps you get rid of up to 60 rats before changing them?

The Rat Zapper battery pack - cleverly named the Rat Pack - increases the number of kills per set of batteries and extends the length of time you can use the Rat Zapper Classic to over six months per set of batteries.

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